Exhibition : ‘ Towards Abstraction’ by The Group Of Nine
25th April – 1st May 2012 .
- The Group of Nine artists have known each other informally for the last two or three years. They share similar interests and creative output, linked to mutual involvement in abstract or semi abstract painting.
- Working in a variety of mediums and styles ranging from oil, acrylic, water colour, mixed media, black and white line illustrations they have produced a dynamic, vibrant and challenging group of images in their ‘Towards Abstraction’ exhibition.
- Some images are closely and delicately created, others display emotional and expressive responses to an individual’s ideas.
- Each individual in the Group of Nine
– David Bounds “I paint for the sensuous joy of using oil paint because I like the journey to an unexpected destination. The fun is the world outside turning into a different one on canvas. If it makes sense to someone else it’s a bonus!”
– Sue Firmin “I work in acrylic usually starting in a wet watercolour style on gesso prepared paper, working over the images until I have a feel of’ rightness ‘ about the result. I studied at the Bourneville College of Art and have exhibited for over 30 years. Besides being a member of this group, I am also a member of Abstract Edge, a collection of professional abstract artists.
– Pearl Gatehouse “My paintings are inspired by the rhythm and movement in the natural world, subtle colour changes and the effects of light. Colour and composition are initially instinctive and drawn from an emotional response. I have attended the Slade in London and amongst many other exhibitions I have been selected for the Royal Society of Oil Painters Open Exhibition.
– Paddy Hannigan “My work comes mainly from within my own imagination and willingness to move colour and form around the canvas. I love to produce semi abstract landscape inspired images that may described as ‘ enigmatic’. As an experimentalist the viewer is likely to see a variety of visual interpretations. Illustrative line work is also another love , often based on an empathy with coastline and the industrial past.”
– Val Randle “Currently I use acrylics combined with other media. My approach varies with the subject matter along with techniques and textures. I get excited by all the contrasts, subtleties and vivid brilliance of the natural landscape. I enjoy the journey of abstract work moving from my original intent to shapes and colours that evolve in the moment through the creative process
– John Smythe Painter in oils since the 1960’s. Studio and plein air landscapes and figurative work, both abstracted
– Kamala Todd “I am inspired by nature, people, colour and objects around me. I am especially fascinated by exotic architecture, lifestyles and how different faiths and cultures influence people and this is reflected in my work. I am inspired by many artists ranging from Matisse, Pollock, and Van Gogh et al to Middle Eastern, Asian and Moroccan artists like Ahmed Hajobi Raje Atlassi. I work in a variety of mediums and love texture and mixed media creativity”.
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