All three artists have experience working with students at local schools but have been brought together through their love of art and so are exhibiting collectively for this Artist and Craftsman exhibition. This will consist of drawings, paintings and woodwork. Many of the paintings shown will be using various media, from pastels, acrylic, oils and mixed media. The wood used by Rodger to produce his amazing tactile work will have been from locally from an array of different trees.
Leanne Courtney-Crowe
Leanne Courtney-Crowe – Has a studio locally and her artwork consists of large and small abstracts incorporating the patterns, textures and colours of anything within the natural world. She also produces small detailed watercolours and floral paintings in abstract and still life styles. Her inspiration is taken from photography either macro, micro or satellite images. Leanne studied at Falmouth School of Art and Gloucestershire University and has continued to develop her abstract work exhibiting in Cornwall, Somerset, and Gloucestershire. More recently she has been involved in the 2018 Cotswold Hare Trails designing two 5ft hares which were both sold for charity. For further information about Leanne please visit her via: or via
Dawn Niven
Dawn Niven – Drawing and painting has always played a very big part of Dawn’s life. She grew up in rural Somerset and it is her deep love of the countryside and coast which has always been the main influence in her work. Whilst enjoying painting different subjects, Dawn is happiest when immersed in painting landscapes and seascapes.
Dawn works primarily in acrylics, although latterly, she has enjoyed working with oils and experimenting with collage and mixed media using different techniques. The changing light and the effect of varying weather conditions on the landscape, whether dramatic or peaceful, always captivate her. Dawn’s main aim is always to capture that sense of place.
Rodger Harrison
Rodger Harrison – Has worked with wood most of his adult life making many varied woodworking projects, ranging from exterior sheds, decking, chairs and tables, to all types of interior furniture, plus small projects for friends.
He now find myself with more free time to enjoy and make a wider variety of wood projects, from small wooden boxes to games and all things wood turning. As a self taught craftsman, he wishes the internet had been around in his early years with its wealth of inspirational articles, and of course You Tube tutorials. The tools and equipment available now make things easier and more fun but appreciates the opportunity to show his woodwork creations to a wider audience.